AUC Scholarship Fund 2022-2023 – Study in the Netherlands

January 25
Published 2 years ago By Admin

AUC Scholarship Fund Mission

The Stichting AUC Scholarship Fund (ASF) is on a mission to support excellence and diversity at the Amsterdam University College.  This is done by providing access to the AUC scholarship program for talented and underrepresented students.

The AUC Scholarship Fund application candidates and Talent Fellows provide the university with a diverse group of the student body, to enrich the community with a wide range of knowledge, thoughts, and experiences.

Amsterdam is a multicultural city, and as such, it is important that underrepresented students are invited to join the Amsterdam University College selective honors programme. Not only are they invited, but there are also provided with a means to participate. Through these scholarships provided, talented students are able to work to achieve academic success on their own merit, and also achieve their goals.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria for AUC Scholarship 2022 – 2023

The AUC Scholarship Fund selection committee consists of representatives of the ASF sponsors and also an independent chair. This committee considers and vets all the applications received and provides recommendations on what students should receive a scholarship to the ASF Board.

If you want your scholarship application to be considered by this Selection Committee, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Candidates must have applied for a place at AUC. The admission process to Amsterdam University College is a different process. Only AUC students can receive an ASF scholarship.
  • Your family income also has to be below the threshold (below EUR 46,000) for you to be eligible for an ASF scholarship. This is if you are not Dutch and not eligible for Dutch student finance (studiefinancering).

All ASF Scholarships are awarded by the board based on merit and financial need. The Selection Committee selects applicants to be recommended for a scholarship via the following criteria:


  • Excellent school results. Your school results indicate your academic merit. The ASF Selection Committee are also not privy to your AUC admission application, as they will only receive information on your average secondary school grade (GPA). Any more information about your school and academic ability should be provided in your letter of motivation. Your letter of motivation can also be used to explain why your school results are not high at the moment, and why you believe you can still perform better at AUC.
  • A strong motivation to study liberal arts and sciences at AUC. The ASF Selection Committee will also be watching out for this in your letter of motivation.
  • Aside from your academic excellence, the ASF Selection Committee is also interested in your extracurricular accomplishments. These events and activities are relevant for AUC. These are not limited to just individual awards and accomplishments, but also your impact on your community and society. Inclusive of your leadership or potential leadership skills and profile should all be in your letter of motivation.
  • First-generation university students and students from non-Western backgrounds are most especially encouraged to apply.
  • Students with financial needs. In your letter of motivation, explain why it is important that you receive a scholarship.

Scholarship Amount of AUC Scholarship Fund

The Amsterdam University College Scholarship Fund offers two levels of full ASF Scholarship. These are the:

  • EU/EEA students: EUR 5550 per annum and
  • Non-EU/EEA students: EUR 16550 per annum. Note that EU/EEA students include Dutch students and refer students who are qualified to pay the statutory tuition fee for the university.

The EU/EEA students are inclusive of Dutch students and refer to students who are eligible to pay the statutory tuition fee for the university (wettelijk collegegeld). Partial scholarships are also granted (50% of the above amounts).

How to Apply for AUC Scholarship Fund 2022-2023 to Study in the Netherlands

For students interested in the Amsterdam University College Scholarship Fund and also eligible for the scholarship,  You can apply by clicking here.

Application Deadline for Amsterdam University College Scholarship Fund

The application deadline for the scholarship was April 1, 2022.

Amsterdam University College Application deadlines

  • September 2022*
    • 1 December 2021 (‘early-bird)
    • 1 February 2022 (regular deadline)
  • September 2023
    • 1 December 2022 (‘early-bird)
    • 1 February 2023 (regular deadline)

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